Books I Recommend

As a reader of archaeological books from a teenager I have amassed a moderate private library, and as both an author and reviews editor a large number of books have passed across my desk. I take this opportunity to select a few of those new books that either inspired me of have become invaluable members of my own library.

Mike Allen recommends:

Geoarchaeology in Action, by Charles French (Routlege 2003)

Handbook of geoarchaeological approaches  … by Charles French (Studying Scientific Archaeology 1, Oxbow Books, 2015)

Molluscs in Archaeology ed. Michael J. Allen (Studying Scientific Archaeology 3, Oxbow Books, 2017)

Applied Soils and Micromorphology in Archaeology, By Richard Macphail & Paul Goldberg (Cambridge University Press 2018)

Practical and Theoretical Geoarchaeology, by Goldberg & Macphail (Blackwell 2006)

Late Quaternary Environmental Change, By Martin Bell & Michael Walker (Pearson 2005, 2nd edn.)

Making One’s Way in the World, by Martin Bell (Oxbow Books 2020) Link Oxbow

Before the Mast; life and death aboard the Mary Rose, ed J Gardiner with M Allen (Mary Rose Trust 2005)

England’s Landscape The West ed. Barry Cunliffe (HarperCollins 2006)

Science and Stonehenge, ed. Barry Cunliffe & Colin Renfrew (British Academy 1997)

A landscape revealed; 10,000 years on a downland farm, by Martin Green (Tempus 2000)

The Avebury Landscape; aspects of field archaeology of the Marlborough Downs *, ed. G. Brown, D. Field, & D. McOmish (Oxbow Books, 2005)

Prehistoric landscape development and human impact in the upper Allen valley, Cranborne Chase, Dorset, by French, Lewis, Allen, Green Scaife & Gardiner (Cambridge, Mcdonald Institute 2007)

Hengeworld *, by Mike Pitts (Arrow, 2001)

Britain BC *, by Francis Pryor (Tempus, 2005)

Atlas of land and freshwater Molluscs of Britain and Ireland, by M. Kerney (Harley 1999)

 * see review published by The Prehistoric Society